Interest in out of home advertising, specifically digital out of home advertising, continues to grow, signaling huge momentum for the industry.
Out of home advertising had another record-breaking quarter, according to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA).
Numbers released at the end of August showed a 3.4% revenue increase for the second quarter of 2024. That's compared to the same quarter in 2023.
In all, Q2 2024 drew in $2.78 billion revenue, the highest quarterly volume ever for OOH.
Digital OOH accounted for 34% of sales during the second quarter, which represents a 7.5% increase over 2023 statistics. Another driver of the revenue increase was Transit, which grew by 13.7% though still recovering from its pandemic woes.
Not only does the record OOH growth signal a huge quarter, it also means there's been a 4.8% increase for the first half of the year in 2024 over 2023.
The top four product categories in volume for this quarter were legal services, hospitals/clinics/medical centers, domestic hotels and resorts, and quick-serve restaurants.
Nationally, the top 10 advertisers for the second quarter were, Apple, McDonald’s, Verizon, Coca-Cola, Morgan & Morgan Attorneys, Amazon, Disney, Expedia and Universal Pictures.
And another interesting tidbit: a quarter of the top 100 OOH spenders for this quarter were either technology or direct-to-consumer brands such as Apple, Verizon, Amazon and Expedia.
If you're interested in joining the trend by utilizing OOH for your next advertising campaign, get in touch. GreenSigns offers sustainable options to reach your target audience and propel your brand forward.